Who Is Borrowing and Lending in the Eurodollar and Selected Deposit Markets?
A recent Liberty Street Economics post discussed who is borrowing and lending in the federal funds (fed funds) market. This post explores activity in two other markets for short-term bank liabilities that are often perceived as close substitutes for fed funds—the markets for Eurodollars and “selected deposits.”
The New Overnight Bank Funding Rate
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will begin publishing the overnight bank funding rate (OBFR) sometime in the first few months of 2016.
The Eurodollar Market in the United States
In February, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s trading desk announced it will publish a new overnight bank funding rate early next year.
I Want My Money Now: The Highs and Lows of Payments in Real Time
Peel back the layers of complex financial institutions and instruments, and you’re
left with individuals demanding to be paid, and to be paid quickly.