Differences in Rent Inflation by Cost of Housing
We know that different people experience different inflation rates because the bundle of goods and services that they consume is different from that of the “typical” household.
Reframing the Debate about Payday Lending
Except for the ten to twelve million people who use them every year, just about everybody hates payday loans.
How Much Do Inflation Expectations Matter for Inflation Dynamics?
Inflation dynamics are often described by some form of the Phillips curve.
How Sensitive Is Housing Demand to Down Payment Requirements and Mortgage Rates?
When a household is looking to buy a home, financial considerations are usually very important.
Just Released: The New York Fed Staff Forecast, May 2015
Today, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) is hosting the spring meeting of its Economic Advisory Panel (EAP). As has become custom at this meeting, FRBNY staff are presenting their forecast for U.S. growth, inflation, and unemployment through the end of 2016. Following the presentation, members of the EAP, which consists of leading economists in academia and the private sector, are asked to discuss the staff forecast. Such feedback helps the staff evaluate the assumptions and reasoning underlying the forecast and the key risks to it. Subjecting the staff forecast to periodic evaluation is also important because it informs the staff’s discussions with New York Fed President William Dudley about economic conditions. In that same spirit, we are sharing a short summary of the staff forecast in this post. For more detail, please see the material from the EAP meeting on our website.
Just Released: SCE Credit Access Survey Shows Higher Likelihood of Consumers Applying for Credit
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today released results from its February 2015, which provides information on consumers’ experiences with and expectations about credit demand and credit access.
No Guarantees, No Trade!
World trade fell 20 percent relative to world GDP in 2008 and 2009.
Introducing the SCE Credit Access Survey
Today, we are releasing new data on consumers’ experiences and expectations regarding credit demand.
Forecasting Inflation with Fundamentals . . . It’s Hard!
Jan Groen Controlling inflation is at the core of monetary policymaking, and central bankers would like to have access to reliable inflation forecasts to assess their progress in achieving this goal. Producing accurate inflation forecasts, however, turns out not to be a trivial exercise. This posts reviews the key challenges in inflation forecasting and discusses […]
Why Aren’t More Renters Becoming Homeowners?
Recent activity in the U.S. housing market has been widely perceived as disappointing.